In compliance with the obligations arising from national legislation (Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, Code for the protection of personal data and subsequent amendments) and Community law, (European Regulation for the protection of personal data no. 679/2016, GDPR), the Company Giusto Faravelli S.p.A. Società con Socio Unico, with registered office in Milan, Via Medardo Rosso 8, CF and P. IVA 03224410153, in its capacity as Data Controller, informs you of the methods and purposes of the processing of Personal Data collected through the contact form on its website or through the receipt of e-mails or mail sent to the contact addresses on the site.
Categories of Data Processed
By filling in the contact form in the "Let's keep in touch!" section of the website, the site visitor is required to transmit a series of data, indispensable for the Data Controller to reply to the contact request. These are in particular
- First and last name
- E-mail;
- areas of interest;
- message;
All the above-mentioned data, with the exception of the "sector of interest", which is optional, are indispensable in order to reply to the contact request, therefore, if the visitor does not provide them, Faravelli will not be able to reply to the communications received.
By filling in the free field of the Form, or by sending an email or a paper letter, the visitor may also transmit any other Data, Common or Particular, his own or of Third Parties, even minor. Please note that the services of the Faravelli Group are addressed to persons over the age of 18. Should the Data Controller become aware of the processing of data of minors under 18 years of age without the valid consent of their parents or legal guardian, it reserves the right to unilaterally interrupt any communication and to delete the data acquired.
Purpose and legal basis of data processing
The Data Controller processes the Data listed above and those that the Visitor may wish to indicate, solely for the purpose of responding to the Visitor's contact requests, e-mails and communications.
The legal basis for the processing is that provided for in Article 6 letter f) of the GDPR, i.e. the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to acknowledge any external communication, subject to the balancing of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.
Duration of processing and storage time
Contact Data will be processed, for the purposes described above, only for the time necessary to process the request and in any case no longer than 6 months. Should, following the contact request, the data be processed for purposes other than those indicated above, the Data Controller will issue new and specific information.
Modalities of data processing
The processing of personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, always protecting your confidentiality and the rights of those concerned, and will be carried out using means (physical supports and technological instruments, not automated) suitable for guaranteeing their security and confidentiality at all times, in accordance with the best practices available.
Categories of persons with access to the data and scope of dissemination
Within the limits of the obligations, purposes and tasks indicated above, the data
- will be processed by the Controller's internal staff, specifically trained and authorised to process the data;
- if necessary for the pursuit of the purposes described above, may be transmitted to other companies of the Group, also outside the European territory, subject to appropriate agreements;
- will not be subject to profiling or automated decisions.
Transfer of data
Without prejudice to what has been specified above, with reference to the transfer to the companies of the Group, the data will not be transferred abroad.