Klotho is a gene responsible for the synthesis of the Klotho hormone, also defined as youth hormone
Klotho is a gene responsible for the synthesis of the Klotho hormone, also defined as youth hormone (its name comes from Klotho or Clotho, one of the Moirai, or Fates, in Greek mythology).
It circulates in the human body and has been proven to prolong the lifespan of organisms.
Clodessine is the active proposed by Contipro. It is a fragment of Klotho, identified as an anti-ageing active in that it prolongs the life of skin cells and boosts the skin’s natural defensive and detoxifying mechanisms.
In vivo studies have proven wrinkle reduction, improved skin texture and brightness, reduced skin pores and improved elasticity.
Contipro’s Clodessine is distributed in Italy by Giusto Faravelli SpA. For more info: cosmetico@faravelli.it